Digital Media Producer

Cris Aguirre

design with a purpose

Cris Aguirre

With over 10 years of experience in digital media, Cris is dedicated to producing and documenting compelling stories visually. Her passion of both video and photography has made her travel through shanty towns of Lima, Peru to the European living in Paris, France. Her work has been featured on CNN, Steve Harvey TV, Pickler & Ben to People Magazine. She has won a Chicago/Midwest Emmy for a Student News Feature on a Mini-Documentary on Youth Violence to being nominated for a 2017 National Daytime Emmy for her digital work at the Steve Harvey Daytime Talk Show and 2019 Emmy nomination for Pickler & Ben.
Meet the team

"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."

We're smart, we're hard working, we're easy to talk to and we love a challenge.